Product Description:

Oral Soft Tissue Diseases, 6th Edition, is a visually cued manual designed to support the diagnosis and management of oral soft tissue diseases for busy dental practitioners.

Lesions are organized by diagnostic category and arranged in convenient tabbed sections, providing a user-friendly format. Lesions are also depicted with one or more color photographs that illustrate typical clinical features. Recommendations for patient management, sample prescriptions and monographs for drugs commonly used in treatment are included.

Each of the 10 sections is tabbed for quick access:

White Lesions
Red Lesions
Ulcerated Lesions
Blistering/Sloughing Lesions
Pigmented Lesions
Papillary Lesions
Soft Tissue Enlargement
Swellings of the Face and Neck
Drug Monographs
Special Topics

J. Robert Newland, DDS, MS
Timothy F. Meiller, DDS, PhD
Richard L. Wynn, BSPharm, PhD
Harold L. Crossley, DDS, PhD

Management of Patients Undergoing Cancer Therapy
Dentin Hypersensitivity, Acid Erosion, High Caries Index
Management of Alveolar Osteitis and Xerostomia
Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
Antibiotic Prophylaxis
HIV Infection and AIDS
Ulcerative, Erosive, and Painful Oral Mucosal Disorders
Normal Blood Values
Suggested Readings
Anatomic Site Index