

A dental professional’s ability to recognize the cautions and contraindications possible when providing oral sedation can make the difference between a good experience and a terrible one for everyone involved. Dr. Anthony Feck discusses the red flags you need to watch for when providing oral sedation and using its most commonly used medications.

1 CE hour

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Oral sedation dentistry is a team sport, and investing in their training virtually ensures a thriving practice and happy patients. Your team will learn everything necessary to implement sedation dentistry so you can concentrate on the clinical side of dentistry. In this course, your team will be equipped to provide an even higher quality of care for your patients.

15 CE hours

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Nitrous oxide is a widely used sedative agent in dentistry. Yet, if asked, many dentists do not know the details behind the manufacture and distribution of this gas. As Dr. Anthony Feck explains, if you are going to minister this gas to your patients, you should have a basic understanding of how it is fabricated, how it is stored, and how it is distributed to your office for use. 

1 CE hour

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Nitrous oxide has the potential to be misused and abused by both patient and staff. This half-hour CE course will help you understand and prevent the misuse of this gas. Dr. Anthony Feck will identify the sedatives safety levels, discuss its physiologic and biologic effects, and discuss the NIOSH safety guidelines for this highly safe and beneficial anxiety relieving agent.

0.75 CE hour

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Oral sedation offers tremendous benefits to both patient and providing dentist. In the last two decades, its usage has grown significantly among general dentists. Still, many dentists distrust their ability to administer it properly. In this one hour CE course, Drs. Leslie Fang and Anthony Feck look at multiple complex but commonplace oral sedation cases. They clarify popular misconceptions and reinforce current best practices.

1 CE hour

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Nitrous oxide/oxygen sedation is among the oldest and safest pain control measures in dentistry. Explore what we know about the pharmacology of nitrous and how it functions in this insightful presentation led by DOCS Education's Dean of Faculty Dr. Anthony S. Feck.

1 CE hour

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According to the CDC over 48% of Americans are taking at least one prescription drug.  Understanding how these drugs interact with sedation medications is critical to patient safety .

In this course presented by DOCS Education Medical Director, Leslie Fang, MD, PhD, he discusses the mechanism of metabolism of drugs that are metabolized in the liver as well as the intestines.  The critical nature of the CYP450 enzyme system that is responsible for the metabolism of many drugs is broken down to help you recognize how drugs, including those used for sedation, work together and against each other. 

0.75 CE hour

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