
Advances in both dentistry and medicine are constantly occurring and it’s vital for the dental professional to stay apprised and understand developments that may impact patient care. This year there are substantial changes, including the recent fanfare surrounding Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound. It’s clear that dentists will be seeing a lot of these medications, either in treatment for diabetes or as designer drugs for weight loss. Dr. Leslie Fang, MD, PhD, and DOCS Medical Director, presents a comprehensive review of the latest in medicine in Pay to Starve: You Are What You Eat. Discussion includes the newest medication options for diabetes mellitus and weight loss management, their impact on cardiovascular conditions, and the oral complications for patients on chemotherapy or immunotherapy – plus more up-to-date information from the 14th Edition of The Ultimate Cheat Sheets. 2 CE
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Learning how to identify whether a patient is a good candidate for oral sedation dentistry is one of the most basic and important steps in practicing safe and effective oral sedation. This course 2-hour CE course will help you build confidence in your patient assessment abilities.

2 CE hours

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Presented by the world-renowned pharmacology and physiology expert Dr. Leslie S.T. Fang. This course teaches the responsibilities and requirements of prescribing Schedule II opioid drugs and includes the practices for pain management in dentistry, regulatory requirements for prescribers and dispensers, and dental office procedures for managing vulnerable or substance use disorder patients. It is worth 3 CE hours.

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Oral sedation offers tremendous benefits to both patient and providing dentist. In the last two decades, its usage has grown significantly among general dentists. Still, many dentists distrust their ability to administer it properly. In this one hour CE course, Drs. Leslie Fang and Anthony Feck look at multiple complex but commonplace oral sedation cases. They clarify popular misconceptions and reinforce current best practices.

1 CE hour

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According to the CDC over 48% of Americans are taking at least one prescription drug.  Understanding how these drugs interact with sedation medications is critical to patient safety . In this course presented by DOCS Education Medical Director, Leslie Fang, MD, PhD, he discusses the mechanism of metabolism of drugs that are metabolized in the liver as well as the intestines.  The critical nature of the CYP450 enzyme system that is responsible for the metabolism of many drugs is broken down to help you recognize how drugs, including those used for sedation, work together and against each other.  This online course is worth 1 CE. 
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In this presentation, Dr. Leslie Fang expounds on the new guidelines for the use of antibiotics in dentistry. One might think that in treating odontogenic infection, the key question is the potential for microbial resistance, but the treatment goals for the use of adjunctive antibiotics is—first and foremost—to improve debridement results and then, secondly, to prevent spreading infection. This course is worth 1.5 CE.
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Dentists are the third-highest prescribers of antibiotics in all outpatient settings in the United States, and the ADA Council on Scientific Affairs has created new antibiotic guidelines.

The new Guidelines focus on localized infection, with a little time on spreading infections. They were predicated on a multidisciplinary evaluation of the risk-benefit ratio of antibiotics and evidence-based clinical practice guidelines on antibiotic use for the urgent management of pulpal- and periapical-related dental pain and intraoral swelling.

Dr. Fang helps you understand and put them into practice. This is now included in the Full Ultimate Companion Series course.

This course is worth 1 CE.

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