Skyrocketing Case Accepting with Masters Sales Coach Dr. Tony Matheny

Course Description:

This online course qualifies for 7.5 CE hours. 

Selling is a necessary part of doing a business—even dentistry.

The easiest way to lower overhead in a dental practice is to increase production, but that won’t happen without a strong percentage of patients moving forward with their treatment plan. The national case acceptance rate is only 25% which means 3 out of 4 patients walk out your door forever, usually saying the dreaded: “Let me think about it.”

Presented by Anthony Matheny, DDS, this course will teach you and your team the 10 things sales masters do that dentists don’t. You’ll learn how to prepare ahead of a case presentation, exactly what to say and do, and how best to handle all patient objections.

Called “selling with integrity,” there are no shady sales methods taught. This is selling from the heart, not the wallet!

Course Objectives:

  • Learn to prepare ahead of a case presentation, increasing the odds of patient acceptance.
  • Understand the drawbacks of presenting too many treatment options.
  • Identify how to present the fees in a non-shocking way, enabling patients to discover solutions.
  • Discover the value of asking questions.
  • Learn the first commandment of sales.
  • Determine if a patient objection is real or false – and how to overcome it either way.
  • Prevent buyer’s remorse and decrease chances of patient refunding before starting.
  • Evaluate the reasons why a sale doesn’t go through – and how to proceed.
  • Understand the importance of following up with patients who don’t commit right away

By applying what he has learned to dentistry in a way that is positively perceived by his patients, Dr. Matheny was able to increase his case acceptance by 300% compared to the national average. He has made it his mission to help as many dentists as possible in order for more patients to get the dental care they both need and want.

Dr. R. Anthony Matheny is an author, speaker, coach, and expert in dental case acceptance. He recently published the book Pleasant Persistence: Your Key to $ales $uccess and is known for his popular Doctor $ales Academy training program. This course would normally cost approximately $5,000 per office.


All sales are final.

Purchase of this course grants access for one year and requires an internet connection, computer with video and audio capabilities, and in some cases, Adobe Reader to view handouts and articles. 

You can download this course and watch it anywhere using the DOCS APP. Get it on 
Google Play or the Apple Store.

Watch the video and complete the quiz to earn 7.5 CE credit.

Scientific support and additional resources are available 


How can I meet my state’s requirements?

To learn more about how DOCS Education’s full range of courses can satisfy your state’s regulatory requirements, visit This unique online resource is kept up-to-date with the latest in sedation legislation by DOCS Education’s fulltime regulatory counsel. Contact one of our course advisers with any questions or visit our course listings to see upcoming classes and locations.

DOCS Education courses carry the AGD PACE certification

DOCS Education is the nation’s premier provider of safe sedation and advanced dentistry education, having trained almost 24,000 dentists. Since 2000, our courses have been accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenance credit. We offer extensive CE opportunities, both in-person and online, that meet your needs.

What is DOCS Education?

DOCS Education is an exclusive community of professionals serving at the forefront of dentistry. We offer world-class courses on safe sedation and advanced dentistry, relying on instructors who are consistently ranked among the very best in the nation. We also are a supportive network of members who guide one another to be better, more confident, more successful dentists.