

(((Live))) Stream October 4-5, 2024

(((Live))) Streaming
Learn to care for anxious and fearful patients using oral conscious sedation. This gateway course is one of our most popular; it provides the necessary training to administer sedation to healthy adults. Sessions are taught by renowned faculty who are also practicing doctors — a Harvard Medical School professor and distinguished practicing dentists — and cover everything you need to know to integrate adult oral sedation into your practice. Class format consists of informative and engaging lectures and discussions. 25 CE hours.
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(((Live))) Streaming Event October 4-5, 2024

(((Live))) Streaming

DOCS Education offers N2O sedation training so you can administer safe and comfortable dental care to adult patients. By using single-dose oral sedation in conjunction with nitrous oxide, you can offer greater benefits to anxious patients than using either one separately. In this comprehensive 2-day light sedation course, you’ll learn how to combine these two time-tested methods to better serve your patients.

16.5 credit hours

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Advances in both dentistry and medicine are constantly occurring and it’s vital for the dental professional to stay apprised and understand developments that may impact patient care. This year there are substantial changes, including the recent fanfare surrounding Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro and Zepbound. It’s clear that dentists will be seeing a lot of these medications, either in treatment for diabetes or as designer drugs for weight loss. Dr. Leslie Fang, MD, PhD, and DOCS Medical Director, presents a comprehensive review of the latest in medicine in Pay to Starve: You Are What You Eat. Discussion includes the newest medication options for diabetes mellitus and weight loss management, their impact on cardiovascular conditions, and the oral complications for patients on chemotherapy or immunotherapy – plus more up-to-date information from the 14th Edition of The Ultimate Cheat Sheets. 2 CE
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This online course qualifies for 1.5 hour of CE credit that is automatically issued with a digital certificate upon completion.

“The minutes matter.”

In the case of a medical emergency in the dental office, dentists and their teams need to think fast and undertake lifesaving actions in order to improve a patient’s chances for a successful outcome. This incredibly important and informative course, presented by Dr. Steve Yun, MD, anesthesiologist, and medical consultant for DOCS Education, will address the most common medical events that may occur in the dental office, as well as the recommended emergency responses for each.

Dr. Yun will also outline the appropriate delegation of roles for the doctor and team members that will make the minutes count in emergency scenarios, such as administering epinephrin, using an AED, or reviving a pediatric patient.

Course Objectives:

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This course consists of 9 modules. You’ll earn 16 CE credits upon completion.
Medical emergencies can and do happen in the dental environment. Approximately 75% of these can be prevented through physical evaluation of the prospective dental patient, using a systematic review of the patient’s medical history and recording of vital signs.
In addition to prevention and preparation, Dr. Stanley Malamed will cover the P-C-A-B-D protocol for medical emergencies in the dentist's office and address the most common occurring incidents, including respiratory distress, altered consciousness, drug allergy or overdose, chest pain, and cardiac arrest.

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Salivary diagnostics have been available in dentistry for some time. While adaptation has been slow, the more recent correlation between systemic disease and oral pathogens has made this information all the more compelling. Dr. Thomas Larkin demonstrates why it’s time to pivot from the restorative model of dentistry to more preventative protocols. You will earn 1.5 CE.
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As a practitioner of oral sedation dentistry, you know it's critical to continually refresh and improve your knowledge of pharmacology. Earn 3.5 CE credits with this course and gain the benefits of expert training without even leaving your office or home.

Purchase of this course grants access for one year and requires an internet connection, computer with video and audio capabilities, and in some cases, Adobe Reader to view handouts and articles.

3.5 CE hours

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